Thursday, May 12, 2016

day four

day four:

dear mama,

I love you because you are basically a chef. You make the yummiest food all the time. Even the simple stuff. I love being home for some of your meals. I wish you could come with me to college and cook for me all the time :) and just be with me all the time in general. I did not take advantage of your cooking when I was still living at home year round. So much wasted money out to eat when I could be getting better food for free in the kitchen of my mama. The golf team stayed over a couple of weeks ago and they are still talking about how good your meatballs and spaghetti were! I get to brag about you all the time to my friends! Hopefully one day you can teach me how to cook. Otherwise my future family is out of luck because my current menu options include buttered noodles and toast. 

Love you always! 

Haley <3 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Day three

Day 3.

Dear mama, 

I love you because you always say the right things. A couple of weeks ago I was struggling a lot with golf. Talking to you was the only thing that made me feel better! You never got disappointed in me, even when I was doing so bad. You were still proud of me. Telling me things like "I wish I was more like you." I don't really believe that to be true, but it made me smile big to hear it! I know you are always one phone call or text away and that you'll always cheer me up! Everything you say makes me so happy that I am your daughter. I am one lucky girl. 

Lots of love,


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

day two

Day 2. 

Dear mom,
I love you because not only are you the perfect mom, but you're the perfect grandma too. Rylann and Kayla are both so lucky to have you in their lives. You treat them both like princesses. Every picture I see of you and Rylann you have the biggest smile on your face and your eyes are sparkling. The only thing thats odd to me is how young you look ;) most grandmas have more wrinkles than you do! I am excited to see you have more grandchildren in the future. Maybe even a boy at some point.. that would sure be new to our family! 
Love you lots,

Monday, May 9, 2016

day one

Day One.

This is my first of many blogposts laying out the reasons of why I love my mom. My mom is my everything. I can not imagine life without her. She is my life long best friend.  

Dear Mom,
I am going to start with a rather humorous reason of why I love you. I love you because you're honest. You told me I am your favorite daughter, and of course that is true. I even have the proof. Sisters-- I am sorry :/ we can't all be perfect! I can always count on you to be honest about everything, you're not afraid to tell it how it is. I love that about you.